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Welcome to the SJA Advancement Office.  We are so glad you stopped by.  You will find a lot of information here as the Advancement Office of SJA serves many purposes.  We coordinate our parent volunteers, we organize and coordinate all fundraisers and events, we handle marketing and communications as well as alumni and community relations and more.  

Please know that when you donate funds and or your time to St. Joseph Academy you are positively impacting the lives of our students, families and faculty here at SJA. Whether it’s providing tuition assistance for our students, contributing to campus upgrades, or ensuring our Flashes are giving back through service to our community, your gift supports many and allows us to continue our Unrivaled Tradition of Catholic Education.

The incredible generosity of those who contribute to St. Joseph Academy each year - alumni, parents, and friends help us continue ensure that a Catholic Education is available to all. Since its founding St. Joseph Academy is a self-supporting school. Our income comes from two sources – tuition and donations. We receive no direct financial support from the Diocese of St. Augustine. Thank you for your generosity!