Principal's Message
Mr. Todd Declemente, Principal
It is both an honor and a pleasure to write to you as principal of St. Joseph Academy. Founded in 1866 by the Sisters of St. Joseph, we have provided a strong Catholic education to the students of the St. Augustine area for over 150 years and we are the oldest Catholic High School in the State of Florida. We offer a warm welcome and many blessings upon you as you begin to make the decision about where your family will spend the next four years.
For us, it’s hard to capture all that we are and all we aspire to be just on this website, so I encourage you to come join us on campus.
It is my hope and my prayer that you will connect with our mission as a Catholic high school, as we seek to provide an equal opportunity for each student, in a challenging academic environment, to become knowledgeable, self-directed, compassionate Christians, able to face the challenges of the future with Faith, Hope, and Love.
I share with you my own personal goal each day as to help students get into college… and eventually into heaven, while maximizing their potential is a child of God.
As you tour our site, meet our teachers, and get to know our programs I hope that you will get a strong sense of the warmth and energy among our staff, as well as their expertise. I hope you see the strong sense of faith and service on our campus; the college prep curriculum; a dedication to growth in technology; and a commitment to the arts and to athletics. We challenge every student to grow as a leader, as a learner, and as a compassionate follower of Christ.
You, as a parent, are the primary educator of your child, but you are not their exclusive educator. We do not take for granted the trust you place in a school environment to be a part of that process.
Thank you and Go Flashes.